HUMI Theory v1.0 21-Jan-2024,
An optimum human operation can only be achieved when we think and work in a manner that is in equilibrium with our unique biology. Our inherited unconscious desire to cooperatively trade with another human.
We are both enabled and limited by our brain structures. More than we consciously realize our decisions are performed by our unconscious System 1 fast thinking. System 1 thinking is organized by our driving urges including to collaboratively trade with another human.
(Pause now and get more info on “System 1 Fast Thinking”, if needed.)
Evolution established the current version of our hardwired circuits a long time ago. We are built for it. We are made to trade. A Terminator wired to seek out a deal. Cooperatively, consistently, safely, reliably, and repeatedly. Imagine how many failed evolutionary trials were required before that eureka moment. The Mitochondrial Shopper. A self-sustaining cooperation strategy.
The HUMI idea applies socio-anthropology to explain socio-economics. The proposal explains our human rational and irrational markets, decisions, behaviors, traits, paradoxes, and theories. The good news is that we can increase the equilibrium between System 1 and System 2 thinking. This can be accomplished freely and simply by consciously thinking with System 2 about the way we work in a manner that is in alignment with our System 1 penchant for trades.
That's what HUMI is all about. Human Universal Model of Interaction. I have gone deep into a thought experiment and documented most of my guesses as the best parts for transparency. HUMI is a model that describes how to think about the way we work.
The audacity of the idea is that we can remove the friction and toil we add to our own cognitive load when we think and work in a way that is not compatible with the way we are wired to think about cooperative work. HUMI give us a common language and model to improve teams.
If we consciously practice thinking in a more compatible manner, that practice will transfer the thinking to System 1. Like learning to play an instrument. Our System 1 and System 2 thinking will be in harmony.
I'm in a place where I could use some feedback on this idea before I share HUMI more publicly. I’m open to collaboration. Or, according to HUMI “a cooperative information exchange interaction in a sustainable equilibrium based upon an intentionally maintained adequate and reliable relationship.”
Most of the documented conversations and ideas are posted on the blog ‘Road to Cope’, link below. There is little growth without feedback.
Seeking Equilibrium: The HUMI Model and Its Application in Team Dynamics (
